Best Six Abs Workout At Home (Get 6 Pack in 21 Days)

When it comes to working out your abs at home, there are several effective exercises you can try. Here's a sample workout that targets your abdominal muscles:

  1. Plank: Assume a push-up position with your forearms on the ground and elbows directly beneath your shoulders. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe, engaging your core muscles. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, or as long as you can maintain good form.

  2. Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back with your hands behind your head and your knees bent. Lift your shoulders off the ground and bring your right elbow toward your left knee while extending your right leg straight. Switch sides, bringing your left elbow toward your right knee while extending your left leg straight. Continue alternating sides for 10-15 reps on each side.

  3. Russian Twists: Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Lean back slightly and lift your feet off the ground, balancing on your tailbone. Interlace your fingers and twist your torso from side to side, touching the floor on each side. Aim for 10-15 reps on each side.

  4. Mountain Climbers: Start in a high plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Bring one knee toward your chest, then quickly switch and bring the other knee in. Continue alternating in a running motion for 30-60 seconds.

  5. Reverse Crunches: Lie on your back with your legs bent and your knees lifted to a 90-degree angle. Place your hands on the floor beside you for stability. Contract your abs and lift your hips off the ground, bringing your knees toward your chest. Lower your hips back down without letting your feet touch the floor. Aim for 10-15 reps.

  6. Leg Raises: Lie on your back with your hands at your sides or under your glutes for support. Keeping your legs straight, lift them toward the ceiling until they form a 90-degree angle with the floor. Slowly lower your legs back down without touching the floor. Aim for 10-15 reps.

Perform this workout 2-3 times per week, allowing a day of rest between sessions. Remember to maintain proper form, engage your core muscles throughout each exercise, and gradually increase the intensity or repetitions as you get stronger.


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